At Home Skin Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With everything going on in the world today, it’s easy to let things fall by the wayside. Weeks of social isolation may have caused you to skip your normal skincare routine. It’s important to keep as normal a schedule as possible during this stressful time. Skincare plays an important part in that routine. Here are some ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing while at home.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Exercise Regime

Healthy skin is made from the inside, so proper fitness and nutrition are vital. Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, limit fried or junk foods and be active every day. This will not only keep your skin looking its best, but it will make you feel good physically and emotionally.


If you are forced to be indoors, your skin will definitely feel the impact. Dry indoor air wreaks havoc on skin, so it is important to moisturize. If you are outside, don’t forget to use a moisturizer that contains an adequate SPF.

Keep Up Your Cleansing Routine

If you are working from home, chances are you can forego the daily makeup routine. Because of this, you may think it’s okay to skip your normal skin cleansing. Even if you are not applying cosmetics, your face picks up particles from the air. This can cause irritation. Wash daily with a high-quality cleanser.

Get Outside

If you are able, go outdoors as much as you can. Fresh air does wonders for your whole body, including your skin. A positive spirit shows through on your skin, so try to get out when possible while being sure to maintain social distancing.

Keep Stress Down

This is easier said than done, but high stress will show on your skin. Find ways to maintain your emotional health. Yoga, meditation, and video chatting with friends and family are excellent ways to combat stress.

While the isolation required to combat COVID-19 can be stressful if you follow the above steps you can protect yourself physically and emotionally. Your body, mind, and skin will thank you. For more tips on how you can practice quality skincare while at home, contact us, today, at 952-546-1774. At Finale, we care about the whole you and would love to hear from you. Stay safe and healthy!

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