How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead lines and wrinkles are common because we use our eyebrows for most of our facial expressions. To smooth out these wrinkles, your skin needs a boost of collagen to fill them in. There are numerous solutions available to help you achieve smoother facial skin. Here’s how you can get rid of forehead wrinkles.

Common Causes of Forehead Wrinkles

There are numerous factors involved in why forehead wrinkles can appear on your face. Age is one of the biggest factors because of the loss of collagen and elastin over time. Excessive sun exposure can slow collagen and elastin production. Repetitive facial expressions, genetics, pollution, stress, lifestyle habits, and staring at screens can also contribute to the onset of forehead wrinkles.

Cosmetic Injections for Forehead Wrinkles

As long as forehead wrinkles aren’t deeply set into the skin, it’s possible to reverse them with cosmetic injections. You may not be able to eliminate them completely, but you may be able to see a huge difference. Certain skincare products can stimulate collagen to smooth skin but can take months to see results. Injectable wrinkle reducers are highly effective at filling forehead wrinkles, and results can last up to four months.

Lasers and Chemical Peels for Forehead Wrinkles

Lasers and chemical peels are effective in-office medical procedures to help reduce forehead wrinkles. Resurfacing lasers can stimulate collagen production through controlled damage to the skin. This helps take advantage of the skin’s ability to heal itself. Chemical peels exfoliate the top layer of the skin to create a more youthful texture and tone to the skin.

Professional Facial Rejuvenation Solutions

Deep forehead wrinkles and lines can cause you to look older. However, there’s no need to fret over these unsightly lines. At Finale Hair Removal & Facial Rejuvenation, we offer customized professional facial rejuvenation solutions to help you reduce forehead wrinkles. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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