Facts You May Not Know About Laser Hair Removal

If you are still waging the battle against unwanted hair, it is time for you to consider laser hair removal. Maybe you believe that laser hair removal is too expensive, takes too much time or will be painful, stopping you from exploring this option. Many people are uninformed about laser hair removal, either due to misinformation or no information at all. Here are some facts you may not know about laser hair removal to help you become more informed on this beneficial cosmetic treatment. 

Treatments are Quick and Comfortable

Laser hair removal treatments are much quicker than most people think. The length of sessions depends on how large the area is – legs will take longer than armpits – but are usually less than half an hour. It is also not painful, not in comparison to cutting yourself shaving or getting waxed. The process is well-tolerated and over before you know it. 

You Can Save Money

Did you think laser hair removal was expensive? Yes, there is an initial investment in laser hair removal, but in the long run, you can save money. Whether you spend money on razors and shaving gel or pay for waxing, you probably spend hundreds of dollars a year on hair removal. Laser hair removal pays for itself over the years and also saves you countless future hours of performing other types of hair removal. 

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Not Everyone Has the Same Results

Did a friend tell you laser hair removal did not work well for her or it took several sessions? Not everyone has the same results. Your skin and hair color and growth density can impact laser hair removal. Light skin with darker hair is the easiest to remove. Other combinations may take more treatments, and some people are not good candidates for laser hair removal – electrolysis is better for certain skin/hair types. 

Multiple Sessions are Needed

Hair grows in phases and catching the hair follicle during one of the growth stages is necessary to stop future hair growth. Scheduling sessions a few weeks apart will expose the majority of hair follicles in the treatment area during one of the three stages of growth, eliminating up to 90% of hair follicles over several treatments. 

Laser hair removal is effective and affordable, an excellent option for many people who want to eliminate shaving and waxing forever. Contact us at Finalé to schedule a hair removal consultation to learn more about permanent laser hair removal. 


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