

A tried and true permanent hair removal method

Electrolysis hair removal is an outpatient procedure that removes unwanted hair by killing the hair root with an electric current. The procedure requires several treatments over a period of time. Each treatment breaks down the hair follicle so hair grows back finer and lighter until the follicle is no longer able to produce hair.

What can electrolysis do for me?

Electrolysis can remove white, red, gray, blond, and fine vellus hairs—the kind that covers most of the body. These are the hairs that a Laser can not treat due to lack of pigment.

How long will my electrolysis procedure take?

Each treatment length is dependent upon the area we need to treat. We’ll recommend a series of treatments depending on the amount of hair you wish to remove as well as how coarse the hair is. Treatments are typically spaced two-four weeks apart. Some treatments can be weekly on larger areas, and we can work different areas in a rotation. The maximum appointment length is 60 minutes.

Is the treatment safe?

All medical procedures carry risks. Finalé’s certified technicians use single-use, sterile, disposable needles, gloves, and masks for each separate electrolysis treatment. You’re in safe hands at Finalé!

Deciding between laser hair removal and electrolysis? Contact us! We offer a free consultation where your technician can suggest which approach is best for you!


Laser Hair Removal

Remove hair permanently with laser technology

Laser hair removal treatments permanently reduce hair growth and in many cases can permanently remove hair. Laser hair removal is an outpatient procedure that removes unwanted hair with pulses from a laser. The procedure requires several non-invasive treatments. It’s unlikely you’ll experience any downtime before or after your laser hair removal treatments.

Finalé certified technicians use a Diode Laser Hair Removal System, developed exclusively to permanently remove hair. A Diode Laser is the gold standard for hair removal and has a high rate of success. The Diode Laser has been analyzed in more than 50 peer-reviewed studies, which show this medical-grade equipment is effective, safe, and provides a high level of patient comfort and satisfaction.

What can laser hair removal do for me?

Laser hair removal can remove dark hairs of most depths, density and diameters. It is considered a permanent hair reduction solution for removing facial and body hairs. Lasers can only treat pigmented hair, that is why the FDA calls it ‘permanent reduction’. The procedure can also treat pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) and benign pigmented lesions. For permanent removal of white, grey, and red hairs, we frequently recommend electrolysis in conjunction with your laser hair removal treatments which we also offer!

How long will my laser hair removal procedure take?

Each treatment length is dependent upon the area we need to treat. We’ll recommend a series of treatments based on the hair growth cycle of the area. Treatments are typically spaced four to six weeks apart.

Is the treatment safe?

All medical procedures carry risks. Finalé’s certified technicians use a Diode Laser Hair Removal System. The system includes a patented ChillTip that keeps your skin safe, cool, and comfortable. You’re in safe hands at Finalé!

Deciding between laser hair removal and electrolysis? Contact us! We offer a FREE consultation where your technician can suggest which approach is best for YOU!


Photo Rejuvenation Skin Treatments

Using broadband light to repair your skin

Photo rejuvenation allows you to address the skin damage the sun and lifestyle may cause. A FREE Consult comes first so we can determine appropriate treatment. Then, we’ll use broadband light to precisely target your wrinkles, sun spots, and other skin blemishes. Over a number of treatments, you’ll see a reduction in skin blemishes and enjoy a more youthful look.

Finalé uses an IPL, a non-invasive treatment that uses two powerful lamps that emit broadband light with multiple filters to reduce skins uneven tones.

What can photo rejuvenation do for me?

Photo rejuvenation is FDA approved to treat a number of skin conditions. Your photo rejuvenation treatment can reduce or eliminate benign pigmented lesions, fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots, and broken capillaries. Our patients have had great success eliminating spider veins, dark spots, freckles, and acne scars with Intense Pulsed Light photorejuvenation treatments. 

How long will my photo rejuvenation procedure take?

Each non-invasive photo rejuvenation skin treatment lasts approximately 20 minutes. You’ll see progress over three to five treatment sessions. Down time is minimal with possible redness, warmth and slight swelling. Pigment will darken over the first few days and slough off as you cleanse and moisturize.

Is the treatment safe?

All medical procedures carry risks. Photorejuvenation treatments are non-invasive. You may apply Make up immediately following the treatment if you so wish. Our IPL system cools your skin as the lamps produce a thermal reaction in the tissue. Finalé’s certified technicians are overseen by a Medical Director. You’re in safe hands at Finalé!

Contact Finalé today for your FREE photo rejuvenation consultation.


Micro-Needling Skin Treatments

Minimize scars and wrinkles with a flick of micro-needling

Micro-needling is a skin repair treatment that can reduce and soften acne scars, crow’s feet, and fine wrinkles around the lips. Micro-needling treatments are an effective solution for minimizing stretch marks, too. By creating hundreds of tiny, temporary openings in the skin, micro-needling stimulates your body’s natural healing process to improve your skin’s tone and overall appearance by stimulating new collagen and fibroblasts.

Finalé technicians use a medical-grade, precision tool that can treat the skin on your face and the rest of your body without removing skin or applying heat. Micro-needling applications can be used on every skin type. Finalé technicians can recommend a post-procedure skin care regimen to make sure your skin stays comfortable and pain-free while it heals. Home care is very important to protect your investment of self care!

What can micro-needling do for me?

Micro-needling treatments brighten and tighten your skin with little downtime. 24 hours NO Makeup. The treatments can reduce stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles, minimize pores, diminish acne scars, and reduce hyperpigmentation.

How long will my micro-needling procedure take?

Each non-surgical micro-needling skin treatment lasts approximately 60 minutes. You will have a topical numbing cream applied prior to the treatment for 30 minutes minimum. You’ll experience improved skin tone and appearance over several sessions. The skin continues to improve with time.

Is the treatment safe?

All medical procedures carry risks. Micro-needling treatments are non-surgical and safe for all skin types. It’s common to experience one to three days of redness as your skin heals. For most patients, this is painless. Finalé’s certified technicians are overseen by Medical Director. You’re in safe hands at Finalé!

Contact Finalé today for your FREE micro-needling consultation.


RADIOFREQUENCY RESURFACING – Wrinkles and Skin Blemishes

We offer many different strategies for clearing up your skin and giving you back your confidence. Whether it is a few wrinkles, acne scarring, or many skin blemishes, you’ve come to the right place. We can develop a custom program to get your skin to where you want it. 

One of the tools we use is the VenusViva, which is the most customizable skin resurfacing device in the industry. Coupled with our expertise of the skin we deliver great results. We have full control of energy delivery and duration to work with a wide range of skin conditions including facial scar reductions. 


Is the treatment safe?

All procedures carry risks. Wrinkle removal treatments are non-invasive and create little or no pain. Finalé’s certified technicians are highly trained and under Medical Directorship. You’re in safe hands at Finalé!

Deciding what avenue to get your skin smooth? Contact us!  Book an appointment today for your wrinkle, blemish, or scar session consultation.

* Individual results may vary.


Ongoing Skin Care

Younger-looking, healthy skin starts with a great skin care plan

Finalé skin care specialists are passionate about helping patients along the path toward younger-looking, healthier skin. In your free consultation, we’ll discuss your skin concerns and identify your skin needs. Then, our specialists will create a skin care plan that includes a combination of procedures and a regimen you can complete yourself in the comfort of your own home.

At Finalé, we understand that while we see you 20 percent of the time, the other 80 percent of the time is just as important for you to have the proper products and education to care for skin. Contact Finalé today for your free skin care consultation.